Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Create Virtual Machine in Azure Using Terraform

Description: Here I have explained, How to create a Virtual Machine in Azure using Terraform. I have broken the whole procedure into multiple sections as follow:

  1. Create Terraform File 
  2. Define Variables 
  3. Create AzureRM provider in terraform
  4. Define Virtual Network and Subnet 
  5. Define New Public IP address
  6. Define Network Interface for VM 
  7. Define Virtual Machine 
  8. All define in one File
  9. Build VM using terraform 
  10. Result after Deployment

1. Create Terraform File: Create one terraform file with name 

2. Define Variables: Define variables in terraform file 

variable "storage_account_name" { type=string default="serverstorage" } variable "network_name" { type=string default="testnetwork" } variable "vm_name" { type=string default="ServerTechVM" }

3. Create Azure RM provider: Add Azure RM provider in file 

provider "azurerm"{ version = "=2.0" subscription_id = "XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" tenant_id = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXX" features {} }

4. Define Virtual Network and Subnet

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "staging" { name = var.network_name address_space = [""] location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" } resource "azurerm_subnet" "default" { name = "default" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" virtual_network_name = address_prefix = "" }

5. Define the Public IP address

resource "azurerm_public_ip" "myvm1publicip" { name = "pip1" location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" allocation_method = "Dynamic" sku = "Basic" }

6. Define Network Interface for VM

resource "azurerm_network_interface" "interface" { name = "default-interface" location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" ip_configuration { name = "interfaceconfiguration" subnet_id = private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic" public_ip_address_id = } }

7. Define Virtual Machine 

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm" { name = var.vm_name location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" network_interface_ids = [] vm_size = "Standard_DS1_v2" storage_image_reference { publisher = "Canonical" offer = "UbuntuServer" sku = "18.04-LTS" version = "latest" } storage_os_disk { name = "osdisk1" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" } os_profile { computer_name = "ServerTechVM" admin_username = "serverapprunner" admin_password = "P@ssw0rd123" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = false }

8. All define in one File: 

variable "storage_account_name" { type=string default="serverstorage" } variable "network_name" { type=string default="testnetwork" } variable "vm_name" { type=string default="ServerTechVM" } provider "azurerm"{ version = "=2.0" subscription_id = "XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX" tenant_id = "XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX" features {} } resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "staging" { name = var.network_name address_space = [""] location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" } resource "azurerm_subnet" "default" { name = "default" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" virtual_network_name = address_prefix = "" } resource "azurerm_public_ip" "myvm1publicip" { name = "pip1" location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" allocation_method = "Dynamic" sku = "Basic" } resource "azurerm_network_interface" "interface" { name = "default-interface" location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" ip_configuration { name = "interfaceconfiguration" subnet_id = private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic" public_ip_address_id = } } resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm" { name = var.vm_name location = "East US" resource_group_name = "DevOPS" network_interface_ids = [] vm_size = "Standard_DS1_v2" storage_image_reference { publisher = "Canonical" offer = "UbuntuServer" sku = "18.04-LTS" version = "latest" } storage_os_disk { name = "osdisk1" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" } os_profile { computer_name = "HarryVM" admin_username = "serverapprunner" admin_password = "P@ssw0rd123" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = false } }

9. Build Virtual Machine using Terraform

Upload the file to Azure Cloud Shell as mentioned in the previous blog

Run terraform init command in Azure Cloud Shell

Run terraform plan command to create a plan 

Run terraform apply to run the project 

After Deployment successfully you can find the resources in Azure Portal

Verify the configuration and ssh connection from the Azure portal and ssh connection 

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