Wednesday, September 16, 2020

EC2 Instance Backup using AWS Backup Service

 Description: Here I have explained, how to take EC2 instance backup in AWS 


  • For backup I have created one VM in EC2 instance named "Webserver1" with ec-2 IAM role 
  • To configure backup Open AWS Console and navigate to AWS Backup
  • We will take On Demand EC2 instance backup. So for that click on "create an on-demand backup"
  • Define all details and create on-demand backup

  • Once you click on create on-demand backup it will take some time to create. It will shows successfull message once completed
  • Now I am going to remove VM and restore it from backup. To restore open backup service and select backup then click on restore
  • Once you choose backup it will automatically detect configuration you can change it 
  • Once restore will completed you can find success message and VM running in EC2 instance