Friday, September 25, 2020

Azure Monitoring

 Description: Here I have explained about Azure Monitoring. How we can monitor Azure Resources  like VM, Application, Database, Network etc..

Components of Azure Monitoring

Activity Log: Using Activity log we can monitor Who, What and When operations performed. Like 

  1. Who started VM,
  2.  Who Deallocated VM
  3. Who Deleted VM
  • To Monitor using Activity Log navigate to monitoring and click on Activity Log. Here we can more filter to find out by specific values like resource, resource type, Event Initiate by, event create by etc...

Azure Alert: Using Azure Alert we can generate alert and send it on email for usage of resources. Like if CPU of VM is utilized more than 70% then alert generated and send it on email. 

  • To create rule navigate to New Alert rule and select virtual machine as a resource 

  • Once you select virtual machine select condition for alert. There are lots of condition available for alert.  Here I am using CPU usage so click on Percentage CPU and set 70% as cpu utilization. It check in every 5 minutes, If CPU usage is more than 1 minutes then it send email

  • Create action to group to send alert as follow 

  • Once CPU usage will more than 70% owner will receive email alert for the same
Metrics: It is similar to Alert as we shown above but it will not send an alert email. It shows the current usage of resource. You can create scope for cpu utilization of VM

Logs: Azure Monitor Log Analytics is a tool used to produce insights from Azure Monitor logs. To find out reason behind resource not working properly.

Service Health | Service Issues:  It shows the current situation of all service in Azure, Planned Maintenance  in any region and Health Advisories 

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