Sunday, August 20, 2017

Virtual Machine Backup in VMWare

Description : Here I have describe how to take Virtual Machine backup using shell script

Procedure :

  • Download  script from below URL:
  • Upload it in server  using winscp
  •  Login ssh console using putty
  • Go to  location where you have copy  extracted folder [ghettoVCB-master]
  • Give execute permission to file using below command
# chmod +x
  • Create one file name vmbackup where write all vm name  like as follow:
  • Open file and make changes as follow: 
VM_BACKUP_VOLUME=/vmfs/volumes/596d4786-c3022a80-2c0b-843dc6ec482a/Backup/vmbackup    ### Backup Location ####

VM_BACKUP_ROTATION_COUNT=2    ### Backup Retention File ###
  • Run below command to start backup
# ./ -f vmbackup
  • To set cron job in VMWare open  /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file
30   4    *   *   6   /bin/sh /vmfs/volumes/596d4786-c3022a80-2c0b-843dc6ec482a/Backup/ghettoVCB-master/ -f  /vmfs/volumes/596d4786-c3022a80-2c0b-843dc6ec482a/Backup/ghettoVCB-master/vmbackup 

Note: In example I have set backup at every saturday 4:30 AM backup

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