Thursday, August 17, 2017

Remove/Reinstall The Reporting Extension in Dynamics 365 [AX7]

Description: Remove and Reinstall Reporting Extension in AX7


  • Complete the following procedure as a user in the administrator group for the machine where SSRS is running
  • To remove SSRS extension use following script:
PowerShell .\DeploySsrsExtension.ps1 –UninstallOnly
  • In PowerShell, reinstall the Dynamics SSRS extension by running the following script:
PowerShell .\DeploySsrsExtension.ps1

  • Removing the reporting extension removes all the reports. If you have removed and then reinstalled the reporting extension, it is necessary to re-deploy the reports by running the following script:
Powershell .\DeployAllReportsToSsrs.ps1

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