Friday, October 13, 2023

GitHub action pipeline and push to Docker image to docker-hub and publis...

CI/CD pipeline in GitHub action and push to Docker image to docker-hub and publish application to vercel

Description: In this topic, I have explained how to setup CI/CD pipeline in GitHub action and push to Docker image to docker-hub and publish application to vercel

Goals: Below are the goals for this document

  • Building and publish the docker image to Docker-hub
  • Deploy updates to Vercel for every push and pull request
Check React Application in Local environment:  Whenever we setup CI/CD pipeline with any framework make sure application must test on local environment

I have setup local docker container using below Dockerfile

# Fetching the image from the dockerhub FROM harpalgohilon/reactsample AS development # Declaring env ENV NODE_ENV development # Setting up the work directory WORKDIR /react-app # Installing dependencies COPY ./package.json /react-app RUN npm install # Copying all the files in our project COPY . . # Starting our application CMD npm start

Below is the screenshot for application on localhost

Upload project source code to GitHub:  I have upload all source code include above stated Dockerfile in Github repository with .gitignore file

Github URL:

.gitignore file 


Setup Workflow in GitHub Action:  To setup the CI/CD we are going to use GitHub Action workflow, which is platform of GitHub to automate the Deployment.

To setup the Github action navigate to Repository --> Actions button 

Search for Node.js and configure it 

Now paste below yaml file in place of auto-generated file 

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name: React-Workflow # Controls when the action will run. on: # Triggers the workflow on push request events but only for the main branch push: branches: [master] # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel jobs: # This workflow contains multiple jobs build_test: # The type of runner that the job will run on runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: node-version: [18.x] # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: setup node uses: actions/setup-node@master with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} # install applicaion dependencies - name: Install dependencies run: | npm install # build and test the apps push_to_Docker_Hub: # The type of runner that the job will run on runs-on: ubuntu-latest # build docker image and push to docker hub # only if the app build and test successfully needs: [build_test] steps: - name: checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v1 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKRUHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build and push uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: ./ file: ./Dockerfile push: true tags: ${{ secrets.DOCKRUHUB_USERNAME }}/reactsample:latest - name: Run the image in a container uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 with: image: ${{ secrets.DOCKRUHUB_USERNAME }}/reactsample:latest run: | echo "runing the docker image" push_to_vercel: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: amondnet/vercel-action@v20 if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' with: vercel-token: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }} vercel-org-id: ${{ secrets.ORG_ID}} vercel-project-id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID}} vercel-args: "--prod"

Define below variables in GitHub

DOCKRUHUB_USERNAME = It is the username for docker image
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN = Token generated from Docker hub --> Account --> Security

Vercel Configuration: Below are the configuration for Vercel VERCEL_TOKEN : Generate Token from Vercel account using URL and add it under Github

ORG_ID and Project_ID: To get the vercel org id you need perform below activities 

Install vercel tool on system using below command

# npm i -g vercel

Run the vercel command from the project directory where your project is hosted
 # vercel 

It will asked for GitHub details to connect with the GitHub project 

After all the command run successfully you will find the ORG_ID under .vercel  folder project.json

After getting both the details kindly add both the variable on GitHub secrets. Now we can see 4 secretes added in GitHub

Note: Make sure all the things added under Secretes

Run the workflow by change in the source code:  After perform all the changes now I am changing in the source code from the local system and commit it to GitHub master branch.

So I changed the default message in src/App.js file as follow. So As far as I changed in file and commit it to master branch workflow will run automatically 

Same changes automatically applied to vercel application and image pushed to Docker Hub Image

Friday, October 6, 2023

Setup ECS with Application Load balancer using custom Docker-hub image

Description: Here I have explained how to upload custom image to ECR [Elastic Container Registry]and use same image to create the ECS [Elastic Container Service] container with Load Balancing. In this example I have created Docker Image in local docker system which I upload to ECR and  use same image to setup ECS container

Docker Custom Image:  I have  setup one react base container  docker image with below file. 

# Fetching the latest node image on alpine Linux FROM node:alpine AS development # Declaring env ENV NODE_ENV development # Setting up the work directory WORKDIR /react-app # Installing dependencies COPY ./package.json /react-app RUN npm install # Copying all the files in our project COPY . . # Starting our application CMD npm start

Build the docker image using command line as follow with tag reactapp:latest

# docker build -f -t reactapp:latest .

Once image build validate using below command 

# docker image ls |grep reactapp 

Upload docker image to ECR

Below are the pre-requisite to upload image to ECR

  1.  IAM user 
  2. AWS cli

First I have setup IAM user with my local system using 'aws configure' command and give Access_key, secret_key, location and the output type. After configure AWS cli now create the ECR registry using the command line or we can create from the AWS console 

 # aws ecr create-repository --repository-name reactrepo --region us-east-1

Once you get the repository on list the open it it shows the list of command line sequence to upload the repository to ECR

First command is used to login withe repository then build repo if not build 

Tag the repo image so upload it to repository 

# docker tag react-latest:latest

# docker push

Once the image uploaded successfully, you can see the image in ECR

Create Load Balancer for ECS

First Create Target Group from the EC2 service. To create the target group navigate to Load Balancing --> Target Group --> Create Target Group

Once click on create target group fill all the require details as follow

Use port 3000 for validate 

Click on create target 

To create the load balancer navigate to EC2 service --> Application Load Balancer --> Create Load Balancer--> Application Load Balancer 

Filled all the required details and create load balancer with the target group created on early step

Setup ECS to run the containers 

To setup the ECS, navigate to ECS service and first we create the cluster 

Give name of the cluster and select farget for server-less 

Once filled all the details click on create. It will take some time to create the cluster.

After cluster now create the task-definition and filled all the required details. Task definition only required to validate the image working fine or not. So once you validate with task we can remove it. 

Give ECR repository details for images and click on create the task definition 

Once the Run-task created navigate to cluster and navigate to task --> Run New task 

Filled the required details 

Make sure in security group port 3000 must be open 

Once the task definition created use public IP address and browse in browser using port 3000

You will find the IP address from the task definition --> networking 

navigate to services and create the service 

Fill all the required details as follow

Use existing load balancer and the target group and click on create 

Once the service created successfully, you can browse the application using Load balancer name with port 3000 


To setup auto-scaling with existing service, select the service and click on update 

Select the auto-scaling and set the minimum and desired capacity 

You will find multiple tasks in services 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Github integration with Terraform cloud to driven workflow using VCS

Description: Here I have explained, How to integrated GitHub with Terraform cloud to driven the workflow using VCS.  When you integrate the GitHub with terraform cloud your terraform project tf files saved in GitHub repository.  Whenever you make any changes in GitHub files workflow run automatically.

GitHub Repository: 

The first step, we setup blank public repository in GitHub. To create the blank repository navigate GitHub and create blank repository with Readme file 

Clone the newly created repository in local folder using git clone command 

git clone

After clone the repository I am adding  terraform project files in same directory and upload it to repository. So I have uploaded and file as part of my terraform project

Now to push it to repository we need git username and password. So generate git token from the GitHub. To generate GitHub token navigate to user setting in GitHub --> Developer Settings --> Personal access tokens --> Tokens (classic) --> Generate new token 

Once you generated the GitHub token make sure to keep in safe place. If it loss need to regenerate with new name

Once you add the additional files and push to origin branch it asked for password/token as follow

Now push the additional files to GitHub

Workspace: Now after filling all the details create new workspace and select version control workflow

Select GiHub as subversion control system and click on next

Once you click on GitHub it will popup for account authorization

Add all the required repositories for terraform cloud in our example I am using testrepo-tfcloud

After adding the repository you can select the valid repository and click on create workspace 

After creating workspace add variables as follow

After uploaded all files uploaded create the require variables in Terraform cloud. To add variable in terraform cloud navigate to workspace setting --> variable --> create variable set

Add variable -- Create Variable set

First variable add  for region as follow

Now add access key and secret key for authorization to AWS as follow

After applying all the variable set run the task from the workspace and confirm apply 

In EC2 you can find the instance in the list

Destruction and Deletion: To remove the instance and workspace follow the below steps

  • Goto -> Workspace -> Settings -> Destruction and Deletion
  • click on Queue Destroy Plan to delete the resources on cloud
  • Goto -> Workspac -> Runs -> Click on Confirm & Apply
  • Add Comment: Approved for Deletion