Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Description: Here I have explain,  What is SFTP ? How to deploy it on AWS ? How to Transfer data using FileZilla?

What is SFTP ?

Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol used for secure transfer of data over the internet. The protocol supports the full security and authentication functionality of SSH.

How to Deploy it on AWS ?

  • In choose and Identity Provider choose Service Managed to store user identifies and keys in AWS transfer family and then choose Next 
  •  For a Custom identity provider, you provide an API Gateway endpoint and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to access the endpoint.
  • In Choose and Endpoint, for Endpoint choose the Public accessible endpoint type. For VPC hosted endpoint, you need to create VPC and setup accordingly. Here I am selecting Public accessible and Hostname select None not using any custom name

  • In Configure Additional details, Create new Role for Logging Role and fill other require details 

  • At last review all configuration and click on create server. It will take some time create it once created successfully it shows message like as follow. 
  • To add user click on Add User, Fill all require details like User Name, IAM role to connect S3 bucket [If you don't have create it and assigned S3 Administration role]  SSH public key. 
  • To create SSH public key open ssh console using root and run below command
# ssh-keygen -P "" -m PEM -f key_name.

  • Once file created navigate to file, copy the content from and paste it SSH public key file and click on Add 

Connect FTP using Filezilla 
  • Open FileZilla, click on  site manager and create new site as follow. Site require FQDN, User Name and Private key file 
Host [Endpoint]
User : ftpuser  [which we have created before]
Key File : privatefile.ppk  [Private key file was created with public key which we have used it before]

  • Click on connect to verify connection

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