Wednesday, July 15, 2020

EBS [Elastic Block Storage]

Description: In this post I have explained,  What is EBS, Types of EBS, Snapshot of EBS, Extend Volume.

What is EBS [Elastic Block Storage]: EBS is block-level storage device that you can attach to your instances. After you attach to instance you can use as a physical hard drive. EBS storage flexible you can increases or decrease size, IOPS and types easily. 

Types: According to price, performance and characteristics they are divided in 5 types.
  1. General Purpose SSD gp2
  2. Provisioned IOPS 
  3. Throughput Optimized HDD
  4. Cold HDD
  5. Magnetic 
Snapshot of EBS:  We can take snapshot of EBS and attached it to another Instance for data transfer as well. Also we can take incremental snapshot of EBS volume like as follow.
  • In the diagram below, Volume 1 is shown at three points in time. A snapshot is taken of each of these three volume states
  • In State 1, the volume has 10 GiB of data. Because Snap A is the first snapshot taken of the volume, the entire 10 GiB of data must be copied
  • In State 2, the volume still contains 10 GiB of data, but 4 GiB have changed. Snap B needs to copy and store only the 4 GiB that changed after Snap A was taken. The other 6 GiB of unchanged data, which are already copied and stored in Snap A, are referenced by Snap B rather than (again) copied. This is indicated by the dashed arrow
  • In State 3, 2 GiB of data have been added to the volume, for a total of 12 GiB. Snap C needs to copy the 2 GiB that were added after Snap B was taken. As shown by the dashed arrows, Snap C also references 4 GiB of data stored in Snap B, and 6 GiB of data stored in Snap A
  • The total storage required for the three snapshots is 16 GiB
Snapshots capturing an initial volume state and two subsequent states after data has          been changed.

Extending or Reducing Volume: We can change size of EBS volume from EC2. Once you modified you need to modify in disk management that depend on guest Operating system.

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