Friday, July 31, 2020

Amazon ECS [Elastic Container Service]

Description:  Here I have explain, what is Amazon ECS, use of Amazon ECS and how to create container using it. 

What is Amazon ECS: Amazon ECS is container management service that use to run and manage container instance on cluster. You can host your task on ECS to manage container on cluster.
Amazon ECS is use to schedule the placement of containers across your cluster based on your resource needs, isolation policies, and availability requirements.

Implementation of Amazon ECS:
  • Navigate to Amazon ECS service from dashboard 
  • Container and task, select container definition from sample and also you can also configure custom  container. So in this example we use sample-app
Also you find the configuration of docker host
  • Define service and desired instances that you want to run simultaneously. Also configure port and apache load balancer
  • Configure Cluster give name to cluster, VPC ID and subnets
  • Review and create application 
  • Once you click on create wait for some time, it will take some time for deployment.
  • Once container running you can browse using Load balancer DNS name and it looks like as below
  • You can manage task, events, autoscaling etc from ECS console

  • You will find load balancer for same

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