Friday, September 22, 2017

Install a SSL certificate on Zimbra

Description:  Here I have define how to install ssl certificate on zimbra mail server

Zimbra mail server supports two possible ways of SSL installation:

  • zimbra administration console (web interface)
  • zimbra certificate manager (command line interface)
SSL certificate installation via Zimbra Administration Console

  • Click on “Configure” from the left list of the main menu:

  • In the next window, click on “Certificates” and pick the option “Install Certificate”:

  • You will see a separate window where you need to choose the required mail server. Click “Next” afterwards:

  • Pick “Install the commercially signed certificate” option to start the installation process

  • Review all information that was used for CSR generation. If the information is correct, click on the “Next” button:
  • Upload the SSL certificate file, root certificate and intermediate certificates received from the Certificate Authority

  • When the SSL installation process is completed, you will see the notification:

  • To apply changes, You need to restart Zimbra service.
SSL certificate installation via Zimbra Certificate Manager (command line interface)
  • A Zimbra package has the “zmcertmgr” tool to manage SSL certificates
  • For version 8.6 or lower, this tool must be run as root. Run this command in the terminal to switch from the default user to the root:
  • Generate csr and commercial.key file using below command using zimbra user
$ /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr createcsr comm -new -subject "/C=IN/ST=Ahmedabad/L=Gujarat/O=companyName Limited CERTIFICATS/"
  • To start the installation process, you need to upload the SSL certificate file (server_domain_com.crt) and CA bundle file ( to any folder to your hosting server on the temporary basis. For this example, SSL files have been uploaded to the /opt/certificate directory.
  • Verify that your certificate received from the Certificate Authority matches the private key generated along with the CSR:
# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr verifycrt comm/opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key /opt/server_domain_com.crt /opt/certificate/

  • To deploy certificate run as follow:
# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr deploycrt comm /opt/server_domain_com.crt /opt/certificate/
  • To verify installed certificate run below command :
#/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr viewdeployedcrt

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