Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Error: Duplicate type with name ‘Dynamics.Ax.application.*’ in assembly when generate Full CIL

Duplicate type with name 'Dynamics.Ax.application.*' in assembly when generate full CIL.  As a result of this issue is many things within AX may stop working and if you go into
<Company>/System administration/Setup/Services and Application Integration Framework/Inbound Ports you will see many of the services have stopped and can not be restarted this causing issues within the AX instance.

Solution : Perform below steps to resolve this issue:

  • Stop all AOS instances
  • Delete all files on the AOS server under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\<aos instance name>\bin\XppIL
  • Connect to the model database via SQL Management studio
  • Truncate the table SYSXPPASSEMBLY which lists all of the fies found in XppIL
  • You can do this via the command: TRUNCATE TABLE SYSXPPASSEMBLY
  • Start AOS service
  • Run Full CIL

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