Thursday, April 6, 2017

Move Microsft CRM Databsae to Another Server

Procedure :
  • Open windows registry using Run -- regedit
  • Change below registry value
  • DataSource=SQLServer;InitialCatalog=MSCRM_CONFIG;Integrated Security=SSPI    to
  • DataSource=NewSQLServer;InitialCatalog=MSCRM_CONFIG;Integrated Security=SSP
  • Backup Current Organization Database and Restore it to  New SQL Server
  • After restore database change in deployment manager as follow:
  1. Disable the organization
  2. Edit the organization properties
  3. Change the SQL Server Name and Reporting Server Name to that of the new SQL Server
  4. Enable the organization
  5. Please make sure to install CRM 2015 reporting extension

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