Friday, November 4, 2016

Crontab in Linux


Description: crontab stands for "cron table," because it uses the job scheduler cron to execute tasks; cron itself is named after "chronos," the Greek word for time.


 Example of crontab format with commented fields is as follows:

# Minute   Hour   Day of Month       Month          Day of Week        Command 
# (0-59)  (0-23)     (1-31)    (1-12 or Jan-Dec)  (0-6 or Sun-Sat)     /usr/bin/find
    0        2          12             *               0,6           

Some crontab command

# crontab -l  View crontab file, if any 
# crontab -r  Remove crontab file, if any 
# crontab -e  Edit (or create) user's crontab file (starts the editor automatically) 
# crontab file  Replace existing crontab file (if any) with file

Field Descriptions:

Minute   hour    dayOfMonth    month    dayOfWeek    command

minute values range from 0 to 59,

hour values range from 0 to 23,

dayOfMonth values range from 1 to 31,

month values range from 1 to 12,

dayOfWeek values range from 0 to 6, with 0 meaning Sunday

Field Values:

A single value
A range of values
A comma separated list of values or ranges (remember no spaces after commas!)
Wildcard, meaning match all possible values 

(Note: Don't use a wildcard for the minute field, and rarely for the hour!)


# Example 1:  0,30 8-17 * * 1-5 cmd
Answer: Run cmd on the half-hour from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday thru Friday
# Example 2:  0 12 1,15 * 5 cmd
Answer: Run cmd at noon each Friday AND the first and fifteenth of every month

# Example 3:  17 3 * * 1 cmd
Answer: Run cmd at 3:17 AM Monday (a backup program perhaps)

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