Saturday, July 13, 2024

How to Set Up Blue Green Deployment on an EC2 Instance for an Angular Application Using AWS CodeDeploy Pipeline with GitHub [Part - 2 ]

Description: In this previous blog, we'll walk through setting up a In-placed standalone EC2 instance deployment. In this blog we are going to design Deployment strategy for an Angular application hosted on Amazon EC2 instances with auto-scaling and load balancer with in-placed and blue green deployment





 Step-1 Setup AMI image for auto-scaling

First step is to setup image for the auto-scaling, So we are going to use same machine, as we have setup in previous blog for standalone deployment.

In the existing machine I am going to remove all the content from the webroot       [/var/www/my-angular]


After cleaning the web-root directory, create the AMI image from the AWS console

Fill the details and click on create

Once image created and available in image list

Step2: Setup Auto-scaling Group and Launch template

Navigate to Auto-Scaling Group  --> Create Auto Scaling Group

Create launch template, select the image which we have created. Also define instance type, key and security group.

Once all the details filled click on create launch template, it shows the output as follow

Select the launch template from the list 

select vpc and subnets

Create load balancer and attached it to auto-scaling group. Load balancer is internet-facing

Define the scaling capacity as I have defined as follow

min: 2
max: 3 

Review and create the auto-scaling group

We forgot to add IAM role, So create new version of template and add it 

after create the version edit in template and change it

Once version updated, delete the existing machine and wait for new instance launch

Step3: Create application and deployment group with auto-scaling 

Navigate to CodeDeploy -->Deploy --> Application --> Create Application


After create application, create the deployment group

Fill all require details

Select the load balancer and click on create deployment group

Step4: Change the deployment group in pipeline


Save the pipeline and Release change. After completion of pipeline you get the result


Browse the load balancer url, you will get the output

Step5: Deploy application using  Bule-green deployment

For blue-green deployment create application

Create deployment group for blue-green

Set environment configuration

Change Deployment Settings and create deployment group

Once the deployment group created, Edit it deployment stage and change it to blue-green deployment and save it

After change release the change it We can get the list of additional instance in deployment

After instance update, the new instance replacement

Once all the thing validate we can terminate the old instance

Friday, July 12, 2024

How to Set Up Blue Green Deployment on an EC2 Instance for an Angular Application Using AWS CodeDeploy Pipeline with GitHub [Part - I ]

Description: In this blog, we'll walk through setting up a Blue Green deployment.Deployment strategy for an Angular application hosted on Amazon EC2 instances.

Blue-Green Deployment allows for zero-downtime updates, ensuring that users experience seamless transitions during application updates. This setup will leverage AWS services, including EC2, Auto-Scaling, Load Balancing, and Code Deploy.

Application Deployment: Traditional vs Blue-Green pipeline

When delivering an application traditionally, a failed deployment is usually fixed by redeploying an older, stable version of the application.

Due to the expense and time involved in provisioning additional resources, redeployment in traditional data centers often uses the same set of resources

This strategy works, but it has a lot of drawbacks. Rollbacks are difficult to implement since they necessitate starting from scratch with a previous version. 

Since this process takes time, the application can be inaccessible for extended periods of time. Even though the application is simply compromised, a rollback is necessary to replace the flawed version. 

As a result, you are unable to troubleshoot the existing problematic program.

Blue-Green Deployment is an application release methodology in which you create two separate but identical environments. The traffic from the current version (blue environment) of an application or micro-service is transferred to a newer version(green environment), both of which are already in production.

After the green environment has undergone testing, the blue environment is deprecated, and actual application traffic is switched to the green environment.

The blue-green deployment methodology increases application availability and lowers deployment risk by simplifying the rollback process if a deployment fails.

Advantages of Blue-Green Deployment

It is challenging to validate your new application version in a production deployment while also continuing to use the older version of the program when using a traditional deployment with in-place upgrades. 

Your blue and green application environments will be somewhat isolated thanks to blue/green deployments. 

This makes sure that creating a parallel green environment won’t have an impact on the resources supporting your blue environment. The danger of deployment is decreased by this separation.

Steps to set up Blue-Green Deployment with an Angular Application with EC2

Step1: In-Placed Deployment, First we are going to setup In-placed deployment using AWS Code-deploy with Angular

Setup EC2 instance with Nginx and setup custom directory for angular with below configuration

OS: Ubuntu 22
Instance Type: t2.micro
Role: Nginx
Tag:  Name = Angular-Instance

Install and start nginx, start the service
# apt update
# apt install -y  nginx
# systemctl start nginx
# systemctl enable nginx

Create project directory
# cd /var/www
# mkdir my-angular

Change it in default document root
File: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Change root directory  from
root /var/www/my-angular;

Restart nginx
# service nginx restart 

Browse the URL with public IP of machine shows 403

Install AWS code deploy agent in EC2 instance 

[In this example I used Ubuntu image]

Below are the command to setup agent and service for code deploy

# apt update
# apt install -y ruby-full
# apt install wget
# cd ~
# wget

For us-west-1 region url is as follow
# wget

Reference URL:

# chmod +x ./install
# sudo ./install auto
# systemctl start codedeploy-agent
# systemctl enable codedeploy-agent

Step2 -Setup Github Angular repo with appsepc.yml and buildspec.yml 

Below is the Github project URL with  appsepc.yml and buildspec.yml

Github Project URL :

appsepc.yml: The appspec.yaml file is used to specify the deployment actions to be taken by CodeDeploy, It  is a crucial configuration file used in AWS CodeDeploy for defining the deployment actions and specifying how AWS CodeDeploy should manage the deployment process for your application. This file includes details about the files to be transferred, the destination of those files, and the lifecycle event hooks that allow you to run custom scripts at various stages of the deployment.

version: 0.0 os: linux files: - source: dist/my-angular-project destination: /var/www/my-angular permissions: - object: /var/www/my-angular pattern: '**' mode: '0755' owner: root group: root type: - file - directory hooks: ApplicationStart: - location: deploy-scripts/ timeout: 300


buildspec.yml:  It is is a configuration file used by AWS Code Build to define the build process for your application. This file specifies the commands to run during the build, including installing dependencies, running tests, and packaging the application. It also defines the artifacts to be produced and can include environment variables and other settings.

version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: nodejs: 12 commands: - npm install -g @angular/cli@9.0.6 pre_build: commands: - npm install build: commands: - ng build --prod finally: - echo This is the finally block execution! artifacts: files: - 'dist/my-angular-project/**/*' - appspec.yml - 'deploy-scripts/**/*'

Step3: Setup Code Build Project for prepare build project and upload it to S3 bucket 

To create the build project navigate to AWS Devleoper Tools --> Build --> Build Projects --> Create Project 

After click on create project, fill all the require details, click on connect to Github to connect

After connect the Github, Click on webhook trigger "Rebuild everytime a code change pushed to the repository"

Set Environment for Build



Define buildspec configuration: we have already upload buildspec.yml in root path with repository, so here we only define the buildspec.yml file with same name

Artifacts: We are going to save artifacts into s3, So I have created one bucket to store the artifacts

Logs: We can stored build logs in cloudwatch and S3 bucket as well and click on create project

Once project created, test build by click on start build

Once build completed, you will get message as follow, also you will get build in s3 bucket as well

 S3 Bucket

Step4: Create Application and Deployment Group  in Code-deploy to deploy the application in EC2 instance 

To create the application, navigate to CodeDeploy --> Create application

Fill name and Compute platform --> EC2/on-premise

After create application, Create deployment group and fill all the details

Service Role: CodeDeployEC2Role

Deployment type: In place 

Environment Type: Amazon EC2 Instance, Also define Tag which we have setup while setting up the machine

[Note: Here we are applying in placed deployment on standalone machine without auto-scaling]

Define Deployment Setting: Deployment All at once, click on Create Deployment Group

Step5: Setup IAM role for EC2 Instance and attach it to EC2 instance

Create Role with below permission policies

  • AmazonEC2FullAccess
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy
  • AWSCodeDeployRole


After create the IAM role attach to EC2 instance  

Step6: Create Pipeline for automatic deployment on EC2 Instance
To create pipeline navigate to pipeline --> create pipeline fill all the details
Create new role for pipeline and click on Next 


Source: Filled all the source details like repository and branch name, change the detection option for trigger

Build: Filled all details regarding the build project 

Deploy: Fill all the details for deploy Application Name and Deployment Group

Review: Review the settings and click on create pipeline, Once you click on create it will create to run pipeline 

Once the code pipeline executed, you can see the source code extracted to webroot path

Also we can validate by browse the public IP of EC2 instance

So this is how you can setup standalone EC2 instance with angular using code deploy pipeline. 

In the next topics: we will setup code deploy In-placed and Blue Green deployment with auto-scaling and load balancer